

欢迎来到职业准备中心基于工作的学习页面. 这个页面是 designed for business owners and employers to help you connect with students at the 北科罗拉多大学 and understand our processes related to Work-Based 学习. 下面,你可以找到“基于工作的学习”的定义,常见的类型 of work-based learning, how work-based learning opportunities benefit you as the employer, and how to engage with and hire our students for opportunities within your business.

We encourage you to read this page in detail and create your employer 握手 account before reaching out to the 职业准备中心 about setting up a work-based 博天堂官方学生的学习机会. 当你准备好设计,广告,和 雇佣你的机会,我们在这里帮助你. 你可以通过 职业生涯.readiness@eagle1027.com.


Work-based learning is an educational approach that places students in a work environment that will help them connect academic experiences to real-life work 行为ivities and 未来的职业机会. 博天堂官方的学生追求许多不同类型的以工作为基础的学习 学习经验,可能是也可能不是课程或毕业要求. 雇主 can hire students within their organizations or volunteer their time and expertise 为北卡大学的学生提供以工作为基础的学习机会.

The goal of work-based learning is to provide students with the following opportunities:

  • 课堂学习在现实环境中的应用
  • 建立学校与工作的联系
  • 提高批判性思维、分析推理和逻辑能力
  • 扩展课程和学习设施
  • 满足学习者的不同需求
  • 为未来的员工创造一个有才能、有技能的人才库
  • 减少职前培训时间和成本
  • 提高学生就业机会意识
  • 使教育与社会环境相关和有价值
  • 社区建设活动促进生产经济

Below are the most common examples of work-based learning opportunities that we support 我们的学生从事:

  • 一些实习课程

    实习是一门致力于该领域实践训练的课程. 这 大多数情况下发生在专业研究领域,如教学、护理等. 一些实习课程 involve heavy supervision from a designated mentor and agreements between the university 以及接待实习学生的组织.

  • 实习

    An internship is a temporary position with an emphasis on on-the-job training rather 不仅仅是就业. 实习是一个发展具体工作相关技能的机会 学生毕业前的技能. 有些学生选择去实习 credit, in which they receive academic or degree credit for completing a certain number 在实习岗位上工作5小时. 博天堂官方有几个项目需要学生 to complete an internship for credit so requirements and level of employer involvement 因部门而异. 学生也可以选择不拿学分的实习, 在这种情况下,大学可能会也可能不会参与这个过程.

    实习 have specific rules and guidelines as set by the Fair Labor Standards 行为. 在招聘实习生之前,了解这些法律是很重要的 对于你的组织来说.

  • 学徒制


    • Being focused on highly skilled technical jobs, such as engineering, welding, masonry, 或木工
    • Having the intention of training for a specific 角色 within your company, with hiring 他们在学徒期结束后全职工作
    • Having a more rigorous structure with specific skills that must be considered “mastered” 由学徒办理的学徒期视为完成
  • 服务学习

    Service-学习 is a combination of community service and 职业生涯 in which students 在他们的学习领域提供志愿服务. 这可能包括与 公共和非营利机构、市政和政府办公室等.


  • 寻找未来的员工 & 增加可见性

    实习 以及其他基于工作的学习机会 allow you to connect directly 有兴趣在贵组织工作的博天堂官方学生. 投资你的时间 in work-based learning opportunities helps create an ongoing pipeline of future full-time 员工.

     Further, students who have worked with your organization often share their experiences with their peers, trusted faculty and staff, social media sites, and through reviews 在你公司的握手账户上.

  • 评估潜在的 & 提高生产率

    Hiring a student as an intern or connecting with them during other work-based learning opportunities provides you with a chance to evaluate the student’s ability to thrive 成为贵公司的全职员工. 在你的指导和训练下, 这些学生准备得更充分,更了解情况,更适合成为你的全职员工.

    As well, UNC students are excited to develop their skills and pr行为ice their classroom 在现实世界中学习. 他们有动力去承担项目、责任、 以及帮助他们学习的任务. 他们的支持将帮助您的企业实现其目标 并解放你的团队去完成其他高级任务.

  • 新的视角 & 回馈社会

    博天堂官方的学生带来的不仅仅是热情和额外的帮助. 我们的学生 是否正在学习他们所在领域的最新策略、技术和趋势 的研究. 带一个学生到你的团队将带来新的视角和新的 的想法. To maximize this, students should always be included on your project brainstorming 会话!

    Working with UNC students not only helps your organization, but it enhances the local 劳动力. 部分得益于与当地组织的学习机会, students are leaving UNC as skilled workers which benefit any future employer they 工作. 作为回报,这些学生和更大的社区将更有动力 来支持你的组织.

  • 缩小技能差距 & 培养领导能力

    Every 一年 the annual 劳动力 reports indicate that employers want students with 优秀的沟通、领导、团队合作等软技能. 最好的方法 you can help students develop these skills is by giving them opportunities to pr行为ice 他们在现实世界的设置. 你以工作为基础的学习经历可以帮助学生 close this skills gap and at the same time prepare them for the skills you need in 未来的全职工作.

    As your current employee’s train, mentor, and supervise students in work-based learning 机会,他们将获得宝贵的领导技能. 这是一个很好的发展方式 current employee skills in preparation for future management positions as supervising a small group of students is a steppingstone toward supervising a full team of peers.

  • 改善工作环境 & 增加自留额

    为学生提供以工作为基础的学习机会可以让你的团队拥有 a lighter workload, foster their leadership abilities, and serve as an opportunity 从事创造性的或高级的项目. 此外,实习生通常很兴奋,有动力, 随时准备学习. 所有这些都可以改善整体的工作环境.

    研究表明,在被正式聘用之前在公司实习的学生 are almost 30% more likely to still be at that same company one 一年 later as compared 转变为传统的全职员工. 这意味着你的员工从工作中获得学习的机会 不仅训练有素更适合全职工作,而且更有可能 留在公司而不是传统的雇佣.


We are so excited you are ready to engage with UNC students and continue the discussion 博天堂官方网站基于工作的学习机会如何使您的业务受益. 这里只是 a few of the many ways you can engage with UNC students outside of hiring for traditional 实习和工作.

  • 工作见习

    Job shadowing is a popular on-the-job learning, 职业生涯 development, and leadership 发展干预. 这种经历包括为学生和员工配对 from your company who can help the student learn new aspects related to the job, the organization, and see first-hand what the student could expect from working in the 角色.

  • 招聘信息

    An informational interview is an informal conversation between a student and someone 在相关研究领域工作的人将为学生提供信息 和建议. 这不是面试,目的也不是找工作.

  • 与比赛

    雇主 who are interested in hosting 职业生涯-related competitions can advertise 他们在任何时候通过握手. 如果你的比赛对学生来说是免费的, 我们经常愿意在校园里为他们做广告. 我们不做与职业相关的广告 学生必须付费才能参加的比赛.

  • 额外的收入

    Some additional opportunities for employers to engage with students could be through participating in resume reviews or mock interviews, giving company tours, holding 或者参加我们的招聘会.


We are so excited that you are ready to hire UNC Bears for your internships, jobs, 以及其他基于工作的学习机会. 以下是促进的选项 学生的招聘和雇佣流程.

  • 握手

    最好的方法 to connect with our UNC students and alumni is to establish a 握手 帐户并请求与UNC连接.  握手是我们的在线求职平台 where we encourage employers to post their jobs/internships, create events, participate 参加面试,并登记参加我们的交易会. 

  • 校园面试

    If you have opportunities you intend to hire UNC students for and would like to host 校内面试,请联系 职业生涯.readiness@eagle1027.com.

  • 展览会及活动

    The 北科罗拉多大学 hosts multiple fairs and events throughout the 一年. 这些机会是雇主与许多学生联系的理想方式 at one time to share company information, details about hiring opportunities, and 建立未来员工的输送渠道.