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Episode 83 - Wondering Through The Archives. Part I

档案馆的副教授和负责人,杰伊·特拉斯克,讨论了重要性和 难以将书籍和其他类型的媒体归档.

档案馆的副教授和负责人,杰伊·特拉斯克,讨论了重要性和 难以将书籍和其他类型的媒体归档.

我叫杰伊·查斯克,是博天堂官方档案馆的负责人. I'm an associate professor and I also am the history liaison.


  1. 我们想知道哪些记录是需要保存的. So 当你思考你的生活时,你会想到你创造的所有记录. 所以你在Facebook上发布的每一个帖子,你发的每一条推特,你做的每一个播客,这些都是 all records of your life. Not all of them are of equal value. Like, a receipt from Starbucks that doesn't really tell us about you. So as an archivist, my job is to 看看记录,决定是什么讲述了这个人的故事 tells the story of this institution. What tells a story of whatever those records are supposed to be about. 作为档案保管员,这样做是会出错的. I know 我在职业生涯早期犯了一个严重的错误,我没有钢铁方面的背景 production. 因为某些原因,我当时在一家钢铁档案馆工作,我决定不去 保留一些我认为对人们很有价值的记录 对钢铁生产的核心科学研究,但我想不出任何理由 to keep them. 但是,你要训练自己,学习你需要的东西 to keep. So we're figuring out what to keep.
  2. 然后我们必须弄清楚如何使这些东西易于访问. So it doesn't really 就算我们保存了这些记录,就算人们找不到它们. So we have to figure 让人们可以使用互联网或找到他们想要的东西 for. 比如在博天堂官方,如果你想知道谁是第一个, African American athlete on campus. If we don't have ways to point people to find that information, they just get lost. And, and it doesn't matter that we're saving those records.

Yeah, it's somewhere there. 但这是你工作的一部分,让它变得容易理解. A quick and easier way.

对,因为你知道,档案研究可能会让人望而生畏 and we don't want that. We want it to make it as easy as we can.

  1. 然后是第三件事,这是每个人想到的 archivists, is preservation. 所以我们,一旦我们弄清楚什么需要被拯救 你怎么能做到,我们想确保它能持续很长时间. We know 事情不会永远持续下去,因为一切都会瓦解,真的 sad. 但我们想尽可能地让它持续下去. That's why you see archivists wearing the white gloves occasionally. And that's why you'll see we have temperature and humidity controlled spaces to store things. That's why we put everything in those 精美的档案箱是为了延缓一切事物的自然腐烂. 所以你知道,如果你回想一下化学,一个地方越热,就越 化学反应发生得更快,所以一切都在吃 itself up. 就像照片,嗯,就像你在父母那里看到的照片 或者你祖父母的房子都变红了,那只是因为染料 are disintegrating. Yeah, they're just disappearing. And the red is the strongest dye, so it stays the longest. 但是如果你降低温度,就会降低 正在发生的化学反应的数量. Um, and so that will help preserve that image longer.

That's a, that's quite the responsibility. I mean, because of we've, you literally 有价值一个世纪的各种不同类型的文件吗. You're having to choose which one is most important. 我喜欢你提出的钢铁的例子,因为它 比如“如果我的星巴克,你看到它是需要的”,这是微不足道的 研究是我职业生涯的下一部分,这很可怕. So then 我想问的是你会不会把其他的东西都扔掉当你 decide that it's not worthy of keeping?

It really depends. We've got different options. There are different options for war with what's going to happen. We can destroy it. And that happens if we think that 没有任何用处或者如果有隐私问题需要我们尊重,我们 can never make the records public. 因为当你回顾过去的记录时,会发现很多 他们都有社会安全号码或者个人识别信息 that we don't want to get out there.

但有时,我们会有一些藏品以某种方式最终被送到我们手中 belong with us. 它对我们的任务没有帮助,但我们知道它可能对 another archive. 所以我们会和格里利博物馆或者柯林斯堡的人谈谈 or sometimes even, you know, across the nation. We'll reach out and say, 'Hey, we've got this collection, that details...“就像想到柯林斯堡,我们得到了这个东西 谈论灌溉,我们知道犯罪现场小组的档案特别关注水资源 所以他们更适合你,因为如果你是研究人员,就更容易 go to Fort Collins. 而在这里,我们更感兴趣的是,我们现在的重点 是教育史,我们开始尝试记录历史吗 underrepresented groups.

我们想从那些传统上不属于 article record or underrepresented. 鉴证组知道我们在找那种东西. 所以如果有人给他们带来这种材料,他们会博天堂官方说, 'Hey, we've got this collection. Can you guys handle it?'.

博天堂官方和科罗拉多州立大学的交流频率你提到了柯林斯堡,但是全国范围内的交流频率是多少 do people reach out to here and vice versa?

Well, it's kind of a random thing. You know, it's hard to give credit. So we'll get, 我们一直都有人向我们提供材料,所以我们就像普通公民一样 who will just... Like just the other day, it was really cool. Someone sent us two boxes of photographs from the normal school era. So from before 1911, their great 姑妈曾来过这里上学,那时这里还是普通学校. She was here I think 在19世纪90年代拍了很多照片,拍了很多校园的照片 it was the normal school. 她后来成为了一名教师,在斯特林教书, Colorado and in taught out in Los Angeles. So, you know, we get people all the time reaching out. That's when we like to catch people. So if somebody is like, 'Hey, I've 我收到了所有这些内战信件,总的来说,不给可能不是最好的 it to us. Let's try to find a place to give it to it. So we try to stop it before it gets here.

You point in the right direction.

Yeah. We try to work with other people. And we will occasionally get, you know, people 说,嘿,我们有正常的学校用品. Or if they're outside of Colorado, 我们偶尔会遇到犯罪现场组的东西因为名字的改变让人困惑 to everyone.

This all sounds exciting. Can we go around and explore the archives?

Yeah, that'd be great. I love showing off our collections. It's always really fun.


Digi GAlessio – Outro

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