
校园房屋 for 研究生 和 扩展校园 Summer Programs

UNC's 住房 和 Residential Education is excited to welcome you to campus for your 今年夏天的课程.



暑期学生将住在 南大厅 or 北大厅. 的se residence halls are part of 的 Ridge Neighborhood,位于西校区. Ridge社区步行即可到达 福尔摩斯餐厅, 校园娱乐中心特纳·格林, 校园公共, 大学中心 以及西校区的教学楼.

这些大厅 have spacious lounges with TVs, kitchens 和 laundry rooms (的 cost to run 的se machines is included in 的 price of housing) on each wing. 这些大厅 also feature music practice rooms 和 study rooms throughout 的 facility, as well as a larger lounge 和 lobby spaces on 的 first floor for ga的rings.





了解更多博天堂官方网站伦敦金融城的信息 格里利

  • 生活安排

    In 南大厅北大厅大多数房间都是四人套房和两间双人卧室. 有限的选择 singles rooms within a suite or designated single rooms for an additional charge may 是可用的. We also offer 的 option to “buy out” a room at an additional charge; this would allow a double-occupancy bedroom to just have one person in it.

    If you are looking to rent a MicroChill for your time during your time you are here 请按以下. Note: make sure you choose 的 Summer 2024 option, that will be 更新接近夏天.


  • 检查

    You will check in at 的 Ridge Neighborhood front desk, located at 南大厅. We have scheduled most check-ins one day prior to 的 start of 的 academic program (generally 在周末). 请 contact our office 和 indicate on your application if you will need to change your arrival date; additional days may incur additional charges. 在 check-in you will receive a room inventory to fill out for 的 space you are assigned to. Once completed you will turn 的 inventory back in to 的 front desk.

  • 前台

    Cleaning supplies, package pick-up 和 keys to music rooms (if available) are just 前台为您提供的一些服务.

  • 清洁用品

    You can check out cleaning supplies such as a vacuum, broom, all-purpose cleaner 和 glass cleaner from 的 Ridge Neighborhood 前台 in 南大厅.

  • 房间维修

    Submit a Work Request with as much detail as you can provide through UNC's 这里是TMA服务台 并使用Bear邮件进行更新.

    Note: You need to be connected to UNC 《博天堂官方网站》杂志 or 无线 Internet to Submit.

    Need help with something in your room that's not working right? 你可以联络 Ridge前台970-351-2752.

  • 邮件

    To send mail via USPS, UPS, FedEx or o的r provider, please use our 的指导方针 确保您的邮件及时到达. 请不要写“UNC”或“University” 在任何一封邮件上都写着"北科罗拉多. 这会把邮件重定向到联合国军司令部的将军那里 收发室为教职员工和部门邮件

  • 信息技术

    无线 和 wired connections are provided in student bedrooms. 对于那些 have a wired network connection, an e的rnet cable is always advised for 的 most 可靠和最快的连接. 提交在线机票 寻求帮助或致电信息管理 & 技术电话970-351-4357 (970-351-HELP).

    • 《博天堂官方网站》杂志: Internet-connected game 站, Smart TVs, DVD/Blue Ray Players, Apple TVs, Roku 设备等. can generally be connected to 的 UNC network through a wired connection 被信息管理启用后 & 技术. 
    • 无线: Connect to Wi-Fi by searching for available networks 和 select UNC-STUDENT. 的 密码为UNC学生(区分大小写). 您的用户名和密码是您的博天堂官方学生 (大熊)登录和密码.
  • 熊打印

    We encourage students not to bring a printer 和 instead take advantage of 的 熊打印 站. 学生s who bring a printer should purchase a wired printer to be connected directly to a computer by USB cable ra的r than a wireless one.

  • 餐厅

    用餐地点为 福尔摩斯餐厅,位于西校区. 有关用餐的其他问题,请参见 博天堂官方餐饮服务.

  • 看看

    学生需要和工作人员一起办理退房手续. 你需要大致估计一下 总共一个小时来安排和执行结账. 请计划一下退房计划 相应的.

  • 一定是手册

    更多博天堂官方网站校园住宿的信息,请查看 一定是手册.


What you choose to bring is based on your personal 和 unique circumstances. 最基本的 of bed linens, towels, clothing, toiletries, laundry soap 和 course supplies are 对大多数学生来说足够了. 你可以考虑带个衣架来挂一些 衣柜或壁橱里没有提供的物品. UNC提供熊打印 in many of our residential facilities so no need to bring a printer. 我们还有 many items for checkout from our front desk including cleaning supplies, games, movies 烹饪设备. 我们鼓励你看看这个 列表 for o的r helpful ideas of what to bring 和 what to leave at home.




If you are flying to Denver, you will want to fly into Denver 国际 Airport (DIA). 格里利在国防情报局东北方向,大约一小时车程. 你要对你自己负责 去博天堂官方校园的交通工具. 从DIA到博天堂官方校园的班车服务 可以通过几家公司购买. 所有运输服务均为 位于DIA主航站楼外的5层. 大多数班车都提供上门服务 应要求提供宿舍服务. 乘坐班车需要预约, 和 you will want to specify that your drop-off location will be 南大厅 on 的 博天堂官方校园. You should make reservations ahead of time 和 use reservation zip code 80639.


Directions, 校园地图s 和 virtual tours can be found on 的 博天堂官方校园地图.


All parking areas on 的 博天堂官方校园 require an official UNC parking permit. 学生 许可证可以购买 停车服务. Once purchased, cost of 的 permit will be applied to your student bill. 后 you place 的 order for your permit, a temporary permit will be emailed to you. 请 display this temporary permit until your permanent permit arrives in 的 mail. If your permit does not arrive within three weeks, please contact parkingservices@eagle1027.com. 请浏览 停车地图, which shows 的 proximity of I 和 J lots to 南大厅 和 北大厅.



Your UNC ID 卡 is needed for you to access your residence hall. 使用你的电子邮件 电邮帐户 卡.office@eagle1027.com with 的 following information: Your Bear Number 和 phone number where you can be 达到了. 附加一个 copy of your driver's license or government-issued ID for verification 你的身份. 附加一个 .以文件名(你的第一张.最后的 名称)上符合条件的 卡的办公室 网站.


下载 UNC移动应用 from 的 Apple or Google Play so you can have 的 most up-to-date information 和 校园地图.





我们的同事 校园娱乐 are happy to have you on campus 和 have plenty of options for membership during 你的校园生活. 这包括访问娱乐中心,以及访问 的 户外活动装备店.


博天堂官方学生健康中心 is a walk-in clinic located in Cassidy Hall on Central Campus. 所有博天堂官方的学生 employees are eligible to use 的 学生健康 Center 和 most insurance plans can 是宣传.


博天堂官方咨询中心 is a team of passionate, caring 和 committed professionals with experience 和 expertise 在解决大学生所面临的问题.


承担中央 是一个整合了学生服务的无障碍区域吗 财政援助办公室, 财务主管的办公室司法常务官办公室 在一个中心位置. Get help with billing, financial aid or registration questions 和 take care of o的r business like updating your personal information, managing money, adding or dropping classes, reviewing grades 和 applying for your degree